Putting it all together - Full Low-Fi wireframes
With the components in hand I set out to design the key screens for RIIPL. Shown below are the user dashboard screens & challenge page. I also designed overlay screens that are used for sign up or submission flows.
V1 low-fi wireframes for the dashboard and challenge pages of the app
I showed these screens to my mentor and a few others to get some early feedback in the process. I made some changes to a few of the components and layout. The screens below are V2 prototypes of RIIPL.
V2 lo-fi wireframes for the dashboard and challenge pages of the app
Rating a submission is a major feedback mechanism for all submissions uploaded into a challenge. This process needs to be intuitive and seamless for the user. The diagram below shows the rating component flow when a user clicks on the ‘rate’ button.

Low-fi wireframe flow of the rating component
Creativity, storytelling & technicality- Why do they matter?
Assigning a numerical rating to a subjective art form can be a tricky task and begs the question can & should the validity of art be determined solely on it’s empirical attributes? However, sound design in addition to being an artistic practice, exists to serve a functional purpose. Therefore, there must exist some way of measuring it’s success in serving it’s intended function.
The categories - ‘creativity, storytelling & technicality’ are assumptions I have made on attributes that provide the most useful feedback to a user on their skill level and also offers the least room for subjectivity when assessed within the context of the given prompt. In my user testing I validate this assumption to see how sound designers respond to these categories.