Based on the categories generated from the card sorting exercise I developed a site map that outlines the proposed organizational structure for the KAUS website.
Drawing is not my strong suit, but I never begin a project without putting some ideas down on paper first. I started off by drawing the basic layout of the homepage and other little components that will be used in displaying Insurance details.
Ramping up the Fidelity
This phase saw me transition my initial sketches into responsive low to mid fidelity prototypes using Figma. I used this opportunity to iterate on some initial layout ideas I had, as well as flesh out more substantial features of app, such as the match tool.
The Match Tool
The match tool is the primary point of entry for users when buying insurance. It offers the quickest and most reliable way to obtain cost and coverage information regarding a specific package.
Similar in function to a quote tool, it goes even further by matching the user to existing Kaus Insurance packages that fit the user’s set of requirements.